Something New Studio Professional Ensemble Auditions
(Please read entire page before submitting)
Something New Studio Professional Ensemble Auditions
(Please read entire page before submitting)

Something New Studio is currently accepting auditions for our professional ensemble which performs travelling immersive Comedy Murder Mystery Dinner Shows at restaurants all across Central Florida - including a standalone troupe in St. Augustine area, along with additional unique immersive character experiences.
Performers are independent contractors with Something New Studio and are paid per performance. Average rate of $100 per show but may vary based on roles/show size.
We are on the hunt for talented comedic character actors with strong improv ability regardless of race/gender/look/sexual orientation/and anything else! As long as you are 18+ you are welcome to submit.
Rehearsals are minimal as all of the dialogue is largely improvised around a set of characters and a story. Something New currently runs 15 different murder mysteries with more being written each year.
Shows are typically Monday-Thursday evenings with call times around 5:30pm. However, we do occasionally do weekend shows. Scheduling is 100% flexible with usually 30 days notice. If you are available to play, wonderful, if not we catch you on the next one. We know that Central FL talent has it's toes in many pools and wish to remain respectful of everyone's commitments.
To Submit:
Complete the form on this page and join us at the live audition. Audition will consist of improv games, guided improv scene work with others auditioning and an improvised monologue confessing to MURDER!